What You Need For College Admission?

What students need during admissions is a very undefined and ambiguous thing as many of the students are completely focused on the academics and doing brilliant , however they miss on certain parallel opportunities to prolirferate their other skills as most of these universities are not simply looking at the mundane part of academics, they already get thousands of a hundred applications with top scorers and now they have to shortlist students based on other factors.
Though there is no standard rule for this, these are some qualities most of the students had in common:

1. Dedication – Demonstrate a long term commitment to some activity whether it be volunteering at a community center, playing football, or debate team.
2. Initiative – Show that you are willing to go beyond what is merely expected. This can take the form of starting a new club at your school or simply coming up with new ways to optimize existing activities you are a part of.
3. Self-Reflection – You essay is an excellent opportunity to dig deeper than simply reciting a story and really give colleges a view into how you think and your internal processes of growth.
Quantifiable Success – Whether it’s ranking second in the state in swimming or winning X number of debate tournaments, it is helpful to show definitive evidence of past successes.

What is the right time to start preparing for college application?

The SAT exam is ditching paper and pencils to move online and will now be shorter, the College
Board revealed just a few weeks before.
What are the changes:

The upcoming changes, which will be rolled out in the US in 2024, will boost the exam’s relevancy as more colleges make standardized tests optional for admission, according to the administrators.

Is SAT test scores crucial for college application?

The SAT exam is ditching paper and pencils to move online and will now be shorter, the College
Board revealed just a few weeks before.
What are the changes:

The upcoming changes, which will be rolled out in the US in 2024, will boost the exam’s relevancy as more colleges make standardized tests optional for admission, according to the administrators.

SAT is going Digital! Good or Bad?

The SAT exam is ditching paper and pencils to move online and will now be shorter, the College
Board revealed just a few weeks before.
What are the changes:

The upcoming changes, which will be rolled out in the US in 2024, will boost the exam’s relevancy as more colleges make standardized tests optional for admission, according to the administrators.

Full Time MBA Vs Executive MBA

Participants in the MBA programme are early and mid-career professionals, with an average age of 29 and with 6 years’ work experience. Peers in the classroom are younger professionals and a few seasoned managers. Most of them are motivated to do an MBA out of desire for a career change. The MBA programme is delivered in a full-time format and lasts 10 months.